Thursday, July 30, 2009

Movie Review - THE BURROWERS

It's a monster movie.

It's a western.

It's also pretty damn good.

1879, the Badlands. After a family mysteriously disappears from their ranch located in the middle of nowhere, a small cavalry unit and a small sheriff's posse join forces to try and find out what happened. Of course, they believe that Indians are responsible, although there's absolutely no proof.

During their hunt, they come across a lone Indian, who the officers begin to torture. When the Indian fails to give them the information they seek, the posse and unit go their separate ways (since the posse wasn't too happy with the cavalry's methods.)

It isn't long when the posse finds what they think is a half-buried body. Except the young girl is alive - barely - sort of. All this time the men are being stalked by creatures who live underground, who are waiting for the right moment to add them to their larder.

No, this isn't another Tremors. This is a straight-up, gritty western with paranormal overtones. The creatures are unique, and although I read there was CGI involved, it's so subtle, it's hard to spot.

Not a ton of blood, but the creepy and ick factors are in full force. Some people may have a problem with the ending, but all horror movies can't conclude with "and they all lived happily ever after".

My recommendation? Go rent Dead Birds, which is another decent horror western in the same paranormal vein.

Have a double feature fest!

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