Eli Roth, giver of those HOSTEL movies, has brought us his version of the "mockumentary" - more "found film footage", although it's never explained who found the film and where.
The story evolves around a minister who has lost his faith, and has turned to proving that exorcisms are really a money-making scam. To prove his point, he answers a plea for help from a farmer in Louisiana who claims his daughter is possessed. The minister does the hokey pokey, "cures" the girl, collects his booty, and is prepared to leave town (along with the two-member film crew following him around) when the girl shows up at his motel room. She starts showing visible and unexplainable signs of demon possession, and the minister begins to have doubts about the existence of demons.
The story evolves around a minister who has lost his faith, and has turned to proving that exorcisms are really a money-making scam. To prove his point, he answers a plea for help from a farmer in Louisiana who claims his daughter is possessed. The minister does the hokey pokey, "cures" the girl, collects his booty, and is prepared to leave town (along with the two-member film crew following him around) when the girl shows up at his motel room. She starts showing visible and unexplainable signs of demon possession, and the minister begins to have doubts about the existence of demons.
What follows are bloody and surprising incidents involving a stolen camera, the brutal killing of animals, and a revelation about the young girl. It isn't until the last ten minutes that Roth pulls out all the stops and gives us a finale that will shake you to the core...if you can swallow it.
Although there isn't a lot of gore or "jump" shocks, the building tension to the payoff kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. When you can finally wrap your head around the truth that's revealed at the end, you'll find yourself thinking back on it over and over. And maybe re-watching those last few minutes again.
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