Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Movie Review - THE THAW

Out in the Alaskan tundra, a scientific study uncovers the remains of a wooly mammoth. But as the beast begins to thaw, so do the tiny prehistoric bugs that were hibernating within it.  Before too long, the camp is infected, and that's just the first ten minutes of the film.

A group of students from a university are sent to the campsite, including the daughter of one of the scientists. Because he's out of commission, the students have no clue as to why the camp is deserted. It isn't long until the bugs are coming for them.

The only known name in this flick is Val Kilmer, but to me he turned in a wooden performance. However, the supporting cast did an outstanding job. The effects are great, and the makeup is terrific, even if the gore is in short supply. The movie held my interest, but I had to give it another demerit for tacking on a worn out trope ending. 

Still, my recommendation, if you need a Saturday afternoon no-brainer, is that you

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