Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday Movie Review - LA HORDE

It appears that France has become a major exporter of horror films, and I'm thrilled.  They don't recycle old movies.  They don't back down from the intensely graphic scenes.  And they don't cut corners when it comes to originality.

LA HORDE, at first, looks to be another zombie movie.  Well, not quite.  It's about a plague or infection (the movie doesn't make it clear) that suddenly turns the inhabitants of Paris into raving cannibals.  (Hint:  look for the unnerving scene of them beating on the glass doors, and their breaths fog up the cold glass!)

The movie actually starts out in a way you don't expect.  Like, don't expect the stars to be six ex-college friends.  And don't expect the "norms" of American horror films to be present here.  In LA HORDE, a cop is killed by hoodlums.  The cop's friends (also cops) decide upon some vigilante justice.  In the midst of bad guys smoking good guys, and vice versa, the seedy abandoned building where all this is taking place is suddenly overrun with said ghouls.  Reluctantly, the good and bad guys call a temporary truce in order to save their butts from the flesh eaters.

Another thing I liked about this movie is the ending.  If you can surprise me, that's when I give a hearty recommendation to: 

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