Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Movie Review - EDGES OF DARKNESS

Yes, it's a low budget film.  The camera shots and angles are pathetic at best.  But the blood and gore effects are top notch.  And the acting, in most cases, is superb.

Unfortunately, it's not enough to save this trilogy-as-one-movie.

We begin some years after something as turned most of the world into zombies -- the shuffling, bumbling, grunting, and devouring-everything-it-can type.  There's no explanation as to what occurred up to now. We're here, and for the next hour and a half we're watching three groups of people trying to survive. The only thing all three have in common is the fact that they all live in the same apartment complex.  Otherwise, the stories don't interact or connect.

This movie has just about every horror element in it -- zombies, vampires, the anti-christ, and soul sucking computers.  Not to mention one fired up, kick ass, female zombie killer who, in my opinion, is the star of this film.

Don't let the poor production quality turn you off.  This movie may not end up in my permanent collection, but at least I suggest you:

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