Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Movie Review - Predators

I loved the first one with Arnold.  Wasn't too keen on #2.  And as for the others that came down the pike, I became less and less enthused by the franchise.  (Although I have to admit I wasn't too disappointed in the Alien vs Predator movie with Lance.)

However, when I saw the line-up for this version, and the trailers, my hopes were revived.  And I was not let down.

Some of the meanest, battle-hard, and blood-thirsty killers from Earth are transported to an alien world to become targeted prey for a group of Predators.  I got the impression deep into the movie that this alien world was not the Predators' home world, but more of a playground.  A place where they can practice their hunting techniques.  What they didn't expect was for the humans to give as good as they got.

Adrian Brody gives a surprisingly good performance I didn't quite expect.  There were also several surprises in the revelation of new Predator species.  And I didn't see the ending coming, another big plus in my book.

All in all, I wholeheartedly recommend you buy the very first movie, and this one.  Those two will pretty much be all you need to get your fix.

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